Don’t Overthink. Just Do.

dont overthink fitness

Do you find yourself overthinking your actions, your fitness, your nutrition, your conversations, your EVERYthing? LOL, you are not alone!

I think women get stuck in these cycles of overthinking, which rarely leads to progress…and we just sit in it, rather than taking action.

Did you know that research shows that overthinking can leave you emotionally and physically exhausted? No wonder we can feel tired so often, right? Our brains aren’t getting a break!

When it comes to building new habits and routines into our lives—especially this time of year—it can easily be all thought and no action. All the mantras and vision boards and words of the year…oh, my! It’s a lot.

Listen, I’ve been there more than once in life.

And I think I’ve figured out one of the keys to getting unstuck: Don’t overthink. Just do. When the choice is to think or to act, choose action every time. Easier said than done, I know. But so is a lot of life. It’s easier to SAY the dishwasher needs to be unloaded than to actually DO it.

But here’s the deal…I am SO passionate about wanting to help you get unstuck, find momentum, and achieve your dreams. And I know from decades of experience that it takes ACTION.

The good news is this: it doesn’t take complete overhauls of our lives to make positive change. We can start small. We can find that next right step and then just take it. It really is that simple.

No emotion, no drama. Just a choice. 

Speaker, author, tv host Mel Robbins rose to fame after she presented a deceptively easy formula for life change—The 5 Second Rule. Mel’s mind trick literally comes down to counting backwards from five when you feel hesitant to take action on something meaningful. After you make it to the number one, you move on it. This might sound ridiculous, but The 5 Second Rule has motivated humans around the globe and has truly changed lives.

You are one decision away from a completely different life.” -Mel Robbins

When it comes to fitness, do you feel stuck in this area? Are you overthinking it, maybe? So many of us make fitness feel like this insurmountable obstacle and come up with excuses for why it’s not a regular part of our life:

  • I don’t have enough time.
  • It costs too much money to join a gym, buy a membership or equipment.
  • It’s too late for me.
  • I’d feel guilty for taking that time away from my family.
  • There are more important things to focus on right now.

Fitness and health should not feel hard. In fact, I have a challenge for you.

When it comes to fitness, what’s one tiny step you could take TODAY to quit overthinking and get unstuck? Write it down. Put it on a post-it note or jot it in a notebook or write it on your bathroom mirror. Just write it down. Choose something small, something simple, something do-able.

Then….here’s the key ::  do it. 

You know that if you’re looking for guidance on what step to take, I’ve got you. I’ve mentored thousands of women to create a life on purpose, starting with fitness and health. It really is my mission in life.

I’d love to help you take that next right step today. Message me now and let’s connect.

julie circle blue

Julie Voris

I help women create impact + income using the power of habits to level up their lives and have the freedom to say yes to their family.