fitness on vacation

How to Stay on Track with Fitness on Vacation

Escaping the hustle and bustle and soaking up some away time is so, so good for the soul.

Just this month, I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of enjoying time in Paris, London, and at Disney with my entire family (what a gift!).

And just like many of you, I want to have a blast on vacation, but also stay on track with my fitness goals. Not only do I want to stay on the healthy trajectory that I’ve already got going, but, frankly, who wants to feel like crap on vacation?! I know if I start eating a bunch of junk and not moving my body, I will start to feel sluggish and gross. No thanks!

Over the years I’ve learned a thing or two about staying on track with fitness goals while I’m away from home. I’ve done these things with babies on my hip and now with young adult daughters. Hopefully some of them will work for you, too!

  1. It’s all about mindset.
    First and foremost, heading into your vacation with the right mindset can make all the difference. If you leave town feeling wishy-washy about staying on track, you’re super likely to derail and come home with a few extra pounds—and loads of regret. Resolve to stick with your healthy habits before you head out. Consider even writing down a few goals or a plan.
  2. Pack for the win.  
    Think ahead about what tools or resources you’ll need while you’re away. For me, I’ve already downloaded the workouts I want from Beachbody on Demand onto my iPad or phone before I leave. (Did you know you can stream over 1,000 different kinds of workouts on this handy, little app?!) Also, my favorite workout sneakers and apparel are packed and ready to go before I step foot out the door. Set yourself up for a win by planning ahead.
  3. Make the time. 
    Decide before you go when the best time for fitness might be. When my husband and I used to take the girls to Disney as little ones, we’d get up super early and run the resort path. Even now, my daughters and I will get up bright and early and get our workouts out of the way before we dive into the day’s adventures. You can go for a run, stream a workout, use the hotel gym, catch a local cycling class…whatever’s your jam! But just make sure to schedule intentional movement in your day ahead of time and make it happen! You’ll be so glad you did.
  4. BYOS: Bring Your Own Snacks.
    Having some of your favorite healthy snacks along for the ride can be a lifesaver. We always pack a suitcase of nutritious nibbles. Raw nuts, healthy crackers, nut butters, Beachbars, and other on-the-go bites save you from splurging on expensive and often high-calorie treats. Bonus: as our snack supply dwindles, we make room for souvenirs! 😉
  5. Keep good habits intact.
    Yes, vacation should be a time for letting go and soaking up fun! But releasing all of your good intentions and habits while you’re away isn’t the best idea. Habits take time to build and solidify, and research shows that consistency is key! Not only that, but your body has adjusted to all the good food and movement you give it. Abruptly giving up the goodness can wreak havoc on your system. For example, I’ve had a yummy Shakeology shake each day for years now. It’s fast, easy, and my body loves it. So you better believe that my shake mixes and shaker cups are in my suitcase—no matter what!
  6. Take the long way. 
    One simple way to build movement into your vacation is to just look for the long route. Take the stairs when you can, park further away than necessary, and keep moving! Use your feet for exploring your surroundings and soak up the new scenery as you move your body.
  7. Track your steps. 
    Using your Fitbit, a pedometer, or other step-tracking device can be a fun way to increase movement when you’re out of town. Sometimes as a family, we’ll have a little competition going to see how many steps we can all get in a day.

As always, moderation is key. Please hear me when I say that vacation is meant to be enjoyed! By no means am I encouraging such restriction or rigidity that the fun is sucked right out of your time away. You better believe that I enjoyed some delicious food and relaxing in Paris this month (baguette, anyone?).

Related Post: My Favorite Travel Essentials

But I just did these things in moderation. Sticking with your good habits and intentions allows you to enjoy the occasional treat or off day. Staying on track with your fitness goals on vacation really is easier than you think.

You can do it, my friends!

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