Second Chances

Today’s episode is all about second chances and how powerful they can be in our lives. Life is not meant to be so black and white in a structured box. There is so much gray area, so many opportunities to color outside the lines!!

Let’s explore the concept of second chances.

We’re so quick to write things off, aren’t we? Something happens that leaves us with a bad taste and we’re done. Could be an event, a relationship, a product, or an experience, but we tend to make judgments quickly and give up easily. I get it. I do the same thing.

A few years ago, I showed up eager to try out a new a cycling class. I was super pumped to give it a go. And the experience turned out to be bad. All kinds of bad. Not even worth talking about bad. So I wrote this company off…at least until…I decided to give it a second chance.

Let’s stay connected…


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Julie Voris

Julie Voris

Create Your Life On Purpose, With Purpose

I will be back soon

Julie Voris
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