Julie Voris: Standards Vs. Expectations

This is another solo episode today. I am so inspired by the conversations we have on Energize Live, they bring me so many ideas! In this episode, we discuss being greater than average and how your standards are challenging you and pushing you to create your life on purpose, with purpose.


In March 2020, when the world shut down due to the pandemic, I began teaching group exercise classes out of my basement via zoom. It wasn’t something I’d ever done before, but it was my way to give back. As my move to Florida was approaching, I was thinking about how many classes I had taught in that space, and wanted to make the final workout before moving a good one. I was SO sore after that workout. 


Sharing about how sore I was on Energize Live afterwards led to a conversation about fitness and life, and standards vs. expectations. If you’re a movement person, how often are you sore after your workouts? If you are not often sore, are you just doing the workout to check the box off of your to do list? 


What we do in our workouts translates to what we do in our life. We can either practice being average, or pick up the heavier weight and practice pushing ourselves a little bit harder. If you can do that in a workout, you can do that in your life. It proves to you how strong and capable you are. 


As you know, I started teaching group exercise classes at the YMCA. I was not paid very well, but I had the standard of having new music and new choreography for every class. It was not expected of me, but it was my standard. When I ask if you’re sore in your workout, it’s a bigger question than if you’re sore in your workout. It’s about challenging yourself and striving for more than average. 


I’ve been doing a lot of inner work in the past couple years. While that’s not always comfortable, it’s brought me a lot of clarity. I had a lightbulb moment where I realized the difference between standards and expectations. You can’t live by other people’s expectations. 


We aren’t in control of other people’s expectations, but we are in charge of our standards. Even though I have been with Beachbody for over 14 years, every time I attend a conference, I sit in the front row and take notes. Because that is my standard. So I’m asking you today, what are your standards? Think about this in all areas of your life. 


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Julie Voris

Julie Voris

Create Your Life On Purpose, With Purpose

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Julie Voris
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