healthy happy year

7 Tips for a Happier and Healthier 2019 – Move Over Winter Blues

This time of year used to bowl me over. I’d feel the anxious thoughts and stressful feelings creeping in before Christmas. Like so many of us, I let the holidays get to me in ways that are all too familiar. Maybe you’ve been there, too.

Perhaps you’re there right now. Girl, you’re not alone.

  • Guilt around overeating
  • Chaos from being out of routine
  • Exhaustion from rushing about
  • Drama from extended family time
  • Frenzied attempts to declutter
  • Discontent with certain areas of your life
  • Mad rush to set goals
  • Not liking the way you look or feel

Before you know it, survival mode kicks in and you feel like your head is just above water. It’s an exhausting place to be. You’re barely getting through your days and this has become your normal. Where’s the joy in that?

I decided to reclaim joy in my life years ago. I was done with merely surviving. I was done living an average life. It was time to THRIVE. I made the very intentional choice to change. I kicked old habits to the curb and installed new ones to support a healthy mind, body, and spirit. I want to share some specific tactics with you today that can help you break out of nasty cycles and get yourself on track this season—and for the long haul.

  1. Make a life-changing choice. Sounds too simple, right? But it’s true. It all comes down to you making the deliberate choice to lead a fuller, healthier life. It’s truly up to you, friend.
  2. Surround yourself with the right people. Making positive change is infinitely harder—if not impossible—without a tribe. Find a group who will cheer you on, hold you accountable, and keep you motivated when you feel like giving up. I promise this will change your life.
  3. Be mindful. Pay attention to the thoughts you allow inside your head and the mindset you choose. It’s amazing how powerful our mindset and thoughts can be, even going as far as impacting our very peace, physical and emotional health, and strength, according to Dr. Caroline Leaf.
  4. Pay attention to what goes in. It’s super easy to mindlessly consume food and beverages. A cookie here, handfuls of chips there, and a few sugary drinks to boot. Before you know it, you’ve filled up for the day with all kinds of unhelpful things causing you to feel sluggish and sad. Start small and replace carb cravings with veggies and sweets with fruits. Find healthy snacks to fill in the gaps (you know I’m a huge Beachbody Beachbar fan!).  
  5. Get moving. You’ve probably heard it time and time again, but there’s so much truth in the fact that being physically active supports your entire body and mind. You want to live a full, wonderful life? Want to be the best mom, wife, friend, and colleague you can be? Be good to yourself and start making regular physical activity a non-negotiable. You’ll never look back.   
  6. Find programs and products that work for you. You are gloriously unique and what works for someone else may not be best for you. Whether you’re looking for a new workout or health-boosting nutrition, find things that appeal to you and fit your lifestyle so you’ll be more likely to stick with them. There is no one-size-fits-all approach here.
  7. Create a plan. Success (no matter what that looks like for you) doesn’t just happen. It requires strategy, planning, and discipline. Set yourself up for a major win by mapping out the steps you need to take and commit to doing them no matter what. Write these things down somewhere and keep them front and center.   

It’s time to choose a better path.

No more excuses. 2019 is here. I challenge you to take one little step today—just one—towards a healthier, happier you. Need a suggestion? If you’re local to Indy, join a free Saturday morning fitness class at Christ’s Community Church in Fishers. The classes run 9-10 am, January 5-March 30. I’ll be there on select Saturdays teaching a mix of kickboxing, strength-training, and stretch-work. Join me! Registration helpful, but not required.

Choose to THRIVE, friends. You’re worth it.

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Julie Voris

Create Your Life On Purpose, With Purpose

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