Julie Voris: Energize Live Insider – Motivation for Coaches

In this episode, I share a conversation from my Energize Live community that is geared specifically towards coaches. I discuss how to find the motivation to reach goals and some tips to stay on track.   


Life is full of noise. Just like social media, we are “scrolling around” without any real direction and then wonder why we aren’t moving forward. It’s time to put the spotlight on what we want to go after in our personal lives and our businesses.   

[07:17] EXCUSES 

You can have either excuses or results, but you can’t have both. You can have dreams and goals or just be comfortable. Drop the excuses and go after your goals for real change.    

[08:32] TRACKING    

You need to track your progress. Trackers are a great way to see which direction to go next. It takes emotion out and gives you the straight up data that you need. Make sure to use tracking consistently. 

[17:53] DO THE WORK 

Don’t let little things in life get in the way. If you are already doing the work then do it all the way. We all have challenges, which is part of the human experience. So, don’t use those as excuses, otherwise you will regret what could have been.  


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Julie Voris

Julie Voris

Create Your Life On Purpose, With Purpose

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Julie Voris
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