Memorial Day is the official kick-off to summer! Barbecues, pool parties, and travel are likely on your agenda, both now and for the next few months — but the idea of getting out of your food and fitness routine starts might stress you out.
I get it, seriously. I’ve been there. I used to get SO stressed when I was “off” my routine during summer trips to the lake. But with age and experience does come wisdom. I have learned, Memorial Day is just ONE weekend. It is just food. Let’s not get too worked up about it. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, but what has helped me tremendously is to have a PLAN with some built-in flexibility. The more we plan ahead and have ALL the tools in our toolbox, the more we can enjoy our holiday weekend (or summer vacation) without the guilt or derailing our hard work.
Pack YOUR food
There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying some of the treats at the cookout, but there is also nothing wrong with bringing your own staples.
These are must-haves…
- Water – SmartWater is my jam! You can take it without, or simply pack a refillable water bottle. Staying hydrated helps us stay on track and keep cravings at bay. I’m loving my 2B mindset water bottle, it’s a big daddy, 30 oz. It’s an easy way to make sure I’m getting enough water each day… a rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 our weight in ounces of water each day. Legit, I never leave the house without water and rarely consume drinks with calories. This habit helps me stay on track no matter where I am.
- Shakeology – I like to travel with the individual packets of Shakeology, but you can also simply scoop out single servings into Ziploc baggies. I usually bring my Fiber Boost to put in my shake – extra fiber when traveling is a must. My mini electric Hamilton Beach blender usually makes it into my suitcase too.
- BEACHBARS – These healthy snack bars are great to have in your bag at any time for a healthy on-the-go bite. They have 10g of protein and only 5-6 grams of sugar…and they are really freaking delicious. There seriously should be a warning on the label for their awesomeness, because you might be tempted to eat the entire box at once!!
- Bring a healthy dish to share – Just because it is a cookout doesn’t mean you have to bring a bag of chips or a heavy dip. Bring something you’d like to eat…a fresh salad, a fruit plate, some veggies, and hummus. You won’t be the only one eating that deliciousness…most folks WANT to be healthy and fit, often they just lack the tools or confidence to DO it. Be the person that helps others feel good and stay on track.
Pack your workouts
Pack some grace
This one is often the most challenging for us. But with some simple mindset shifts that I’m learning in my 2B Mindset Fierce Fit group, it is possible to be healthy and stay on track while enjoying life, family and travel at the same time. Put it this way…..when we get to the end of our lives, chances are we won’t say we wish we would have eaten more carrots and celery. We will probably think about how we should have created more experiences with our families, said yes more often, taken better care of ourselves so we had more energy to play and run and ENJOY life.
The best version of ourselves that we can be.