I’m Not Qualified…She Said to Me.

dream big

Recently, in a conversation with someone about joining my team as a coach, they responded with “Oh no, I’m not qualified to be a coach!”

It got me thinking…how many other women might see what I do as a coach and feel the same? Or how many women see how I put fitness and health as non-negotiable and think, I am not ‘qualified’ or ready to make a commitment to myself?? If that’s you, I am glad you are here reading this, because I want to unpack that belief that you are not qualified. 

You are qualified to do anything you want to do. 

Second…what does that even mean – to be ‘qualified’? Third… what makes you feel unqualified to begin with? These are questions for YOU to answer, but I have a feeling your answers will be something like… I am not an expert. I am not ready. I don’t have any training. I’ve never done that before. This same mindset would mean we need to know EVERYthing about parenting BEFORE we have children, that we must be EXPERTS at parenting BEFORE we ever have children.⁣

You don’t have to be an expert.

If we all had to be an expert to DO something that was on our hearts, no one would ever do anything at all!! Because becoming an expert means you have to experience it by going out in the world and doing it!!! And isn’t that a relief?!? That we don’t have to be an expert to start something?? 

In my experience as an entrepreneur, the best way to learn and grow and become an expert is by venturing out of your comfort zone and trying new things!!! ANNNNND, I’ve always found that if something new is tugging at my heart, I don’t have to know all the answers to start. 

Like my podcast that I recently started a few months ago. I had been wanting to do it for years, but kept telling myself I didn’t have the know how or tools to get it done. One day last Fall I had an ah-ha moment realizing I didn’t need to know it all, I just needed to start and the pieces revealed themselves as I moved along with the project. ⁣

⁣You don’t need all the answers to start.

I’m good with learning + evolving + growing every day + NEVER knowing all the answers. ⁣Because if I know all the answers, maybe I need to start asking myself different questions! I’m good with letting go of the title ‘expert’ and instead, being someone with a deep passion who learns as she goes! 

⁣So I am here today to tell you that you don’t need all the answers to start, you can just start by taking one small step forward in the direction your heart is asking you to go! 

If that direction is to get your health and wellness on the priority list this year, then go here to learn more about my virtual fitness studio

If that direction is to get your morning routine established, then watch my FREE video series on mastering your mornings

If that direction is to change your career and do something that fuels your soul and helps inspire positive change in the world, then learn more about joining my team here. 

And don’t forget…… 

You are qualified to do anything you want to do. 

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Julie Voris

I help women create impact + income using the power of habits to level up their lives and have the freedom to say yes to their family.