In today’s episode, I am joined by high performance mindset coach, Brad Bizjack. We dive deep into his life experiences and how they helped him pivot from resentment and exception to appreciating every part of his life.  This simple shift will give you the space to start listening to your heart and find alignment in all areas of your life.   If you have ever wondered how to get rid of resentment or judgement, this episode is for you! 

2:20 Growing Up with Scarcity & Money Stress

I grew up in a household that had too much month at the end of the money. ‘It would be easier if we had more money.’ my mom would say.  So my beliefs started to form that making money was incredibly hard, once you had it, it would disappear, and if you didn’t have a lot of it you couldn’t be happy. 

As I entered into the world as an adult, I was always attempting to validate my worth because deep down I didn’t feel like I was good enough. I need validation and permission from others to go after my biggest dreams. I was the guy that was really good at pretending that life was amazing. 

6:20 Breaking Mediocrity 

Freedom was my vision and I was inspired by the possibility of online business. That’s what I was going after, financial freedom. I was trying so hard and nothing was working for me. I was missing something and life kept giving me lessons. 

9:50 Get Rid of Resentment & Pivot to Appreciation 

My mentor at the time said to me, you need to master your mindset. That was the missing piece, but I was 92K in debt. How could I afford to hire a mindset coach? I maxed out my last credit card in order to work with this coach. 

One of the first things she said to me was “You are so attached to success that you are missing the whole point of success.  Happiness and appreciation for your life that will lead you to success. You need to appreciate everything about where you are in your life right now.” 

When you start to love where you are, you take responsibility for where you are and everything starts to shift. 

14:20 Stop Blaming the Past 

As I started to make shifts, I was able to see my resentment for my past. What if I started thanking my past instead of blaming it? From this place, I was able to seed the idea of starting my own business as a mindset coach, helping people shift from the inside out. 

17:10 The Calling on Your Heart 

Listen to what is happening inside, you will hear your heart telling you where to go. Your heart knows the answer. Sometimes you have to suspend societal norms that tell you what’s ‘right’ and instead follow your heart. The heart has wisdom that your mind will never understand. The mind is fear based. Take a leap of faith and your wings will appear. 

20:45 Life is Happening for You and Not to You

What if you believed Life was always guiding you through your heart. If you feel fear, thank the Universe for leading you in the direction of your destiny. Lean into your fear. 

24:20 It All Changed when my Daughter was Born 

I realized that true legacy is found in the mindset of our kids. If I don’t show up in the best space, I will scar her. I decided I will always live in this beautiful space. And that led to my next big business venture, which has changed everything.  

28:30 Finding Alignment 

You don’t get to tell your kids to go after their dreams if you aren’t doing it yourself. What You are saying and what you are doing have to be in alignment. Your kids don’t just absorb your words, they absorb your actions. If you are not going after your dreams, you are hurting your children.


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Thank you so much for listening to this episode!

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