In this episode, I interview speaker, author, entrepreneur, and builder of dreams, David Hollis. We discuss the challenges parents and families have faced throughout the pandemic, how to navigate through uncertainty, how to utilize all experiences for personal success, and so much more.

[03:01] Navigating the Pandemic as a Parent

 David Hollis starts by sharing his main takeaways from parenting his children from home during the pandemic. So many parents think that consistency is key to making their kids happy, but the Covid-19 situation has proven that being flexible and reliable are most important when it comes to being there for your kids. David says “the dad that each of my four kids needs is actually a different dad because they’re all individually wired differently.” This realization can be so helpful in all aspects of parenting because life is a constant whirlwind of the unknown and your children look up to you for guidance through it all. David shared that his family’s adaptation to the “new normal” was made a bit more complicated by a divorce, but that his family has used that circumstance to reinforce the fact that families can still be there for each other even if it doesn’t look like a traditional situation. 

[10:04] David’s Backstory & Book

David worked in production for 20th Century Fox for 20 years and then pursued a 17-year career working for The Walt Disney Company, working on projects for Marvel, Pixar, Disney, and Lucas. With opportunities at hand that might seem like a dream to some, David came to realize that he needed to feel fulfilled, not just comfortable. Having more of a challenge within your work life or social life, or whatever it is that is leaving you feeling incomplete can ultimately help you thrive. If you feel stuck or stagnant, it’s probably not beneficial to stay where you are. After leaving the Walt Disney Company, David began on his own professional journey with The Hollis Company. Starting his own company in the midst of a pandemic hasn’t been easy, but David urges people to recognize your capabilities and use the things that are revealed to you during tough times to learn more, grow closer to people you love, and commit to creating a fulfilling life for yourself.

[20:05] You Were Built For This

Living up to your potential can seem like a lot of pressure and definitely creates some internal tension. Everyone sometimes thinks: what if I don’t have what it takes? The important place to go from there is to validate your own abilities by realizing that you can only control what you do, not the circumstances you are given. Maintaining awareness of your present moment is so necessary to allow yourself to show up to the full extent of your abilities. David says “control your controllables”, meaning how you go about managing the things in your life that you can control directly affects the outcome.

[30:59] Walking Through Fear

David’s shift in personal and professional priorities was a kickstart to changing the way he presented his life to his children. So many people walk through life questioning what will happen if they fail or if something goes wrong along the way, but that’s no way to live up to your full potential. By choosing to do hard things and tackling things that you’re afraid of, you maximize your potential and confidence. Living a lifestyle like this is so beneficial for your children to see because they usually model their lives after what they see their parents doing.

[39:56] How Can I Add Value to the World?

People all over the world are constantly seeking their purpose in life, or their “calling”, something that drives them to feel worth something in this world will billions of people in it. David finds that as a parent and a business owner, he found his own purpose by discovering his passion. Finding that flame, something that you’ve been exposed to that doesn’t make you feel completely drained can be so freeing. Not everyone, though, has an easy time finding what it is that they want to delve deeper into in order to feel fulfilled. Being good at something doesn’t mean you’re passionate about it, and vice versa. But the difference is that if you’re passionate about something and are willing to fail and ask questions and then potentially fail again, you’re on the path to figuring out what it is that will give you the most personal and professional success. That passion will turn into talent which will turn into value.

[48:02] Don’t Live Someone Else’s Life

People get so caught up in trying to accommodate the ideas and standards of others that they come into contact with, especially those that mean something to them. David discusses dogma, which is basically the standards and judgment forced by other people. Figuring out why you care so greatly about what people are going to think about any action you take can help eliminate this feeling of guilt about your own choices. You have to decide that you want this for yourself, whatever it may be, and disregard the opinions of anyone else. Obviously, it’s important to include the important people in your life in your decision-making process if it’s going to affect them, but otherwise, you should focus on choosing things that benefit your overall goal and align with your values.

[55:51] Built Through Courage

David’s book titled “Built Through Courage” urges his audience to push themselves out of their safe space and conquer things they may be intimidated by. He wants people to understand that the motivation and confidence to do anything has to come from within, which is the first step to really understanding yourself, your goals, and the way you live your life.

[1:00:12] Become the Captain of Your Own Ship

Getting to the place you want to be is a journey that takes consistent dedication to yourself. If you can become the captain of your own ship and take charge of your life, even in small ways to begin, you can create a life where you can live up to your full potential. 

[1:00:30] Dave and I chat all about books.

Listen as Dave shares his thoughts on Ride of a Lifetime and then gives us an inside look at his new book. He’s only really become a voracious reader in the last 18-months or so.

Untethered Soul by Michael Alan Singer

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Live Free by DeVon Franklin

Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger

Soundtracks by Jon Acuff

Effortless by Greg McKeown

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Built Through Courage by Dave Hollis

Steve Jobs Commencement Speech at Stanford


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