Hey there! We might know each other from Shaun Week. I’m the modifier in Insane Focus and am super passionate about helping people understand that modifications are just CHOICES.
During my 16 years + of group exercise experience and working with Shaun during Insane Focus, I’ve really learned that sometimes people just don’t want to go down to the ground in their workout. And that is OKAY!
Low impact does not mean low intensity.
Low impact does not mean your workout “doesn’t count” or is a “less than” workout.
It just means keeping your feet on the ground and finding a choice that works for you to get RESULTS.
Today, I take a move – the Push Up Leg Lift – from A LITTLE OBSESSED and show you how to tweak it a bit to still get RESULTS.
➕ Wrap your loop around your upper quads
➕ Find a solid surface – I use a weight bench here. You could use a desk, a chair, a ballet barre, any solid surface that’s the right height for you. {{Note :: you could even do this move against a wall}}
➕ Do the push-up leg lift using that bench / chair / desk. Focus on your Range of Motion, keeping your core right, and engaging your backside to lift your legs.
➕ When finished, carefully stand up, then sit on the bench or chair or floor to safely remove the loop. If this type of move OR using the loops are brand new to you, you could absolutely do this move without the loop, mastering your form, then adding the loop later.
What gets results?? Not ego. Or incorrect form. Or jumping like a crazy person.
Results come from giving ? effort, with correct form, and all in intensity. Not impact. ▪️INTENSITY▪️
So whatever workout YOU choose today, go all in. Rock your form. Rock your Intensity. GET RESULTS.