We made it through Halloween and we are now into the last two months of the year – the holiday season. I share my tips for how we can thrive during the holiday season, instead of just surviving.   


I live and breathe health and wellness and I am so passionate about helping women improve their wellness too, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve always had it all figured out. For many years, I very much did not have it all figured out. I talk about how Halloween candy became a trigger point for me and how I have generational baggage around food. But I have done the work in my personal growth and I have been able to overcome it. 


Holidays are stressful with the busyness and the financial pressure. Years ago, my family was struggling to pay our bills and it was so stressful trying to afford Christmas on top of that. I also had the experience of being on my health and wellness journey, without the tools and supportive community to help me succeed. And that is not even to mention the stress that comes with dealing with family drama during the holidays. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has felt this way!

[15:43] TIP #1 – GO WORK OUT  

When you’re feeling stressful and angsty, go work out. It is my number one piece of advice and it always helps! Even adding in extra walks during times of stress is so helpful. It is moving meditation. Everything is better on the other side of a workout.  


I always say, a hydrated human is a happier human. The more hydrated we are, the fewer cravings we will have and the less likely we are to stress eat. 


I’m talking about your physical environment and your mental environment, both are so important. I talk about the power of community and the positive impact that it has made in my life. It’s your head and your heart that you’re protecting. 

[22:38] TIP #4 – MEDITATE

Create your own definition of meditation. It doesn’t have to look like what you think it should look like. It should be a few purposeful minutes of stillness and quiet, whatever that may look like for you. 

[25:10] TIP #5 – PET A DOG

Pet a dog, or a cat! There is a reason why health care facilities and schools have therapy dogs. This is really about inviting joy into your life, everyday, however it works for you.