In this episode, my guest is Angie Robinson. Angie is a coach and talent development consultant who helps people manage their minds, overcome barriers and take action towards their highest goals. We discuss leadership, limiting beliefs and the magic that self-awareness can bring into our lives. 


Angie has always had an innate curiosity about people. When she took the Myers-Briggs personality test, it really ignited her interest in this subject. Later on, she was hospitalized due to a panic attack and that experience really made her think about the control that we have over our mindsets. We all have negative thoughts, it’s what we do with them that matters. Angie goes into more depth about her upbringing and the early years of her career. 


After getting her masters and getting into her field, she started her own coaching business. One of the biggest things she learned in her life coaching certification school was that our thoughts create our results. Angie talks about why she’s so passionate about the idea of self-awareness. A lot of it comes down to getting out of our own way to get the things that we want. 


Angie talks about how things along our path can form our limiting beliefs and impact how we show up in the world. If we can figure out how to shift that narrative, things can change. 


Angie provides an explanation of what being a leader means to her. For her, being a leader means someone who wants to find their voice, overcome self doubt, or has a goal to do more. A leader is someone that inspires or leads others. It’s not about a title, it’s about behaviors. 


The process usually starts with a personality test, talking about those results and also discussing the goal of the work. She uses a variety of exercises to help clients identify their values, limiting beliefs and determine if their behaviors are aligned with their goals. Coaches help us see the way our minds work from an outside perspective, allowing them to provide valuable insight and suggestions. 


As Angie works with people, she starts to see possibility. Things that they never thought were possible before, start to seem possible. Energy shifts and then action changes, which leads to results. As a coach throughout the past couple years of the pandemic, Angie has noticed people diving into more reflection of who they want to be. The key is what you do with the information once you have it. 


Our brains are wired to protect us, so we shouldn’t beat ourselves up for the thoughts that we have. If we aren’t aware of this, it can manifest in a variety of unhealthy ways. Angie shares a couple books and podcasts that she’s found valuable in her mindset journey. She reiterates that feelings are a key piece in deciding our actions. Angie recommends using a thought download exercise to get your thoughts down on paper to see how you’re feeling and what’s serving you.

As you listen, please tag me on Instagram and let me know what pieces you are tucking into your own toolbox that help you elevate to your best self. I love hearing from you! 


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