Span of Control with Carey Lohrenz

carey lohrenz

Carey Lohrenz was the first ever female Navy F-14 Tomcat Pilot and now she’s a leadership expert helping high performers and corporate teams level up their leadership skills. As you listen to her story,  you’ll realize that she – in some ways, like you –  has been training for this for years. There was a time when she was the mom to four kids under the age of seven, selling a house, moving to a new neighborhood, working, and trying to be everything to everyone. That’s when she first started reviewing and revising her Span of Control.

Listen in to hear her story and learn how you can take charge of your life and your performance with a few simple but mighty shifts. After you listen, will you message me on social and let me know your thoughts? Use the hashtag #workingitoutwithJV so I know you’re part of my podcast community!

[02:45] Who is Carey Lohrenz? 

Carey Lohrenz was the Navy’s very first F-14 Tomcat Pilot and had the opportunity to learn and be coached by some of the best leaders and coaches in the military. For the last 15 years she’s been helping others to develop personal leadership and high performing teams. 

[08:59] What She Is Finding When Speaking with Leaders Today

Understanding how to bounce back and build resiliency in yourself, your teams, and your families is a key skill to have for high performance. It also plays a huge role in battling against the burnout that many of have been experiencing in this crazy time. It is a skillset and it is a learnable behavior.

[13:47] One of The Greatest Gifts You Can Give Yourself…

You need to learn to identify your priorities and be able to act on them. If you can also teach your teams and your children this, then you’re building in the foundation for resiliency. Carey shares how she started to figure out her own priorities when she had a ton of irons in the fire. 

[19:00] How She Took Back Her Health and Sanity

It started with being able to identify that she was truly overwhelmed. She was trying to prioritize everything and everyone and she was slowly but surely killing herself. What did she do? She went back to the basics and gave herself three must-do tasks each day and as long as those were done, she felt on top of her day. 

When you dilute your purpose, you dilute your power. 

[21:51] Span of Control Outside of Corporate

Instead span of control is about the things you can and should be focused on. Everything else that you spend time on is just a distraction. Learn more!

[25:21] How She Has Broken It Down for Her Corporate Clients

Rather than creating huge lists, she asked them to create buckets for their priorities. The buckets they created were family, fitness, and finances. It gave them rules and parameters of focus and helped them to manage and process all of the changes and challenges of 2020.

[29:22] Women Are NOT Better Multi-Taskers

No one is good at multitasking. If you’re task switching constantly then you’re diluting your focus and you’re putting yourself on the road to burnout. Task switching is the number one cause of mistakes and oversight in business and in life. You’re setting yourself up to fail.

[33:58] The Hard Part is Doing Something About It

There still continues to be uncertainty and ambiguity in our lives. Learning how to absorb the blows the chaos while focusing on your span of control is critical to countering that overwhelming stress. Sometimes you need to just go outside and get away.

[39:24] Reframe Gratitude Practices to Fighting For Your Joy

Gratitude is great, but when it comes down to it, joy requires more action. Learn why you should be fighting for your joy. Carey shared that they do a good day/bad day practice each day where they discuss the day, but they focus on the actions needed to make the next day better. Get moving. No matter how much you do each day, get your body moving.

[43:47] Aviate, Navigate, Communicate

If you don’t fly the plane, then nothing else matters. You have to take care of yourself before you can try and communicate what you need and where you want to go. Listen to learn more. When you have a straightforward checklist, you’re able to easily figure out what’s working and what’s not.

[49:38] Where You Can Grab Carey’s New Book

Head to your favorite independent bookstore and grab a copy when it releases.  You will also be able to find it at all the major retailers as well as audio platforms. Pre-order here







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Julie Voris

I help women create impact + income using the power of habits to level up their lives and have the freedom to say yes to their family.

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