Holiday Stress Gets a New Name

holiday stress

You probably don’t need convincing that stress ramps up for many people around the holidays. You’ve likely felt it firsthand, and now researchers have gone as far as giving this common struggle its own name: festive stress.

The holidays were meant to be full: full of life, love, connection, and memory-making. But instead, we’ve packed them full of stressors like:

  • Time crunches
  • Gift-giving pressure
  • Managing family dynamics
  • Overcommercialization
  • Financial concerns
  • Poor health habits

And maybe worst of all, there’s this unspoken pressure to have the “perfect” holidays. Everywhere we look, we are bombarded with images of picture-perfect celebrations and traditions. And the bar just seems to be set higher and higher each year. In fact, nearly half of American moms admit to working “too hard” around the holidays simply to achieve this elusive “perfect” holiday experience for their families.

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I remember being that mom. I was frazzled and fried from trying to make everyone happy. And I wasn’t taking very good care of myself amidst the hustle and bustle. And I, too, wanted the holidays to feel perfect for my family.

But you and I know perfect’s not the point. 

It seems like festive stress is so rampant that it’s almost expected anymore. When did we decide that it’s okay to let the crazies overtake the magic this time of year?! We’re overspending, overcommitting, and overeating, just to name a few. And I, for one, am OVER IT.

The holidays are meant to be a magical time, not maddening. And while you can’t control everything, you CAN control you, and how you approach and respond to the holiday season.

I reclaimed the holidays when I reclaimed myself. And you can, too.

When I started my journey with Beachbody 11 years ago, I had no idea that it would end up changing my entire life—and my family’s. I simply wanted to earn a little extra money and feel good in my clothes. But I ended up finding not only financial freedom and fitness that worked for me, but I found myself, too.

So often we don’t even know what we need until we find it. As moms, we’re the north stars of our families, shouldering a massive amount of responsibility. And it can feel like the loneliest place sometimes.

With Beachbody, I found people who “got me.” Women who struggled like I did, and who wanted a better life. Women who were in it with me and ready to share encouragement, wisdom, and accountability. Yes, I’ve also been equipped with the tools I need to stay on track mentally and physically, but the community has been the biggest game-changer of all.

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The holidays are upon us, my friends. Let’s commit to not just surviving the season, but thriving—together! I want to personally invite you to make a holiday-changing, everything-changing decision right now to join me and a group of women like you who are ready for change. I’m running an exclusive online fitness group now through the end of the year called Sleigh Bells and Sweat. What we’re doing is so simple, but so life-changing. And I’d love to have you join us. We’re better together. And you belong here. Message me for all the details!

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Julie Voris

I help women create impact + income using the power of habits to level up their lives and have the freedom to say yes to their family.