Why I Love Conferences—and You Should, Too!

personal growth at conferences

I’ll admit it. I’ve been an unashamed conference junkie for years. Why? Because I always come home refreshed, inspired, and bursting with new ideas, tools, and tactics.

Just like keeping my body and health in tip-top shape, professional development is a top priority to me as well.

Life’s too short to get stagnant and shrivel up, my friends. Whether your kids are little or off to college, or maybe it’s work that keeps you on your toes, I encourage you to seek opportunities for personal growth. And attending conferences is one great way to do it. Here are a few key reasons why.

Related Post: Choosing Your Dream Life: 6 Tactics for Transformation

  1. Get inspired.
    The day-to-day grind can leave us running on empty and feeling totally uninspired. Not only can conference content, speakers, and fellow attendees give us tons of new ideas and inspiration, but just getting out of your normal routine and surroundings can give you a major boost, too.
  2. Meet new people.
    Networking and building new relationships can be deeply satisfying—as well as leading to exciting new opportunities. You never know who you’ll meet at a conference! I’ve met some of my favorite people by attending personal growth events.
  3. Sharpen your skills.
    Reputable conferences (do your research—they’re not all created equal) often present the latest and greatest tips, tools, and tricks around. When leading experts present, you often get access to cutting-edge resources and advice, helping you stay on top of the game in your area of interest or expertise.
  4. Get out of your comfort zone.
    Conferences can be a great way to stretch yourself, mentally and emotionally. Especially if you’re more introverted or maybe even a homebody (no judgment here!), attending a conference can grow your confidence and skills in really big ways.

Related Post: Demolishing Your Roadblocks to Success

Fall is a great time to explore new opportunities and grow yourself! I’m heading out to several exciting events in October and November that I can’t wait for. I hope to see some of you at these conferences:

  • Beachbody Leadership Retreat in Scottsdale, AZ (Oct 17-20)
  • Christy Wright’s Business Boutique in Nashville, TN (Oct 24-26)
  • Rachel Hollis’s Rise Business conference in Charleston, SC (Nov 7-9)

Let me know if you’re going to any of these! I’d love to say hello in person. And if these events aren’t your jam, I encourage you to seek out some events in your interest area. Make personal growth a priority this fall and watch yourself flourish!

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Julie Voris

I help women create impact + income using the power of habits to level up their lives and have the freedom to say yes to their family.