4 Priceless Benefits of Becoming a Beachbody Coach

becoming a beachbody coach

Improved physique? Heck, yeah! Extra spending money? Yes, please!

I’ve shared before some of the more obvious benefits of fitness coaching with Beachbody, like what a gift it is to make money doing what you love and getting into the best shape of your life.

But honestly, some of the most amazing blessings of coaching have nothing to do with shedding a few pounds or making some cash. And, like the famous Mastercard advertising campaign says, some things are just priceless. Let’s walk through a few ways coaching can be a real gift in your life.

  1. Physical and emotional health 
    I’m not talking six-pack abs here (while there’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting those!). The health benefits Beachbody coaching can provide go much deeper and far-reaching than that. I’m talking about a huge spike in overall wellness—from the outside in. After all, it’s well-known that regular exercise and a healthy diet can boost your immune system, making you less likely to succumb to injury or disease. And we also know that even a short workout contributes in big ways to positive mental health. And that’s just the beginning! Beyond just the fitness and diet-related changes, spending time encouraging and empowering others while you’re being poured into, too, does amazing things for your whole self. When we feel supported, loved, optimistic, and are doing something we’re passionate about, our overall wellness can skyrocket.
  2. The relationships
    As an adult, it can be super hard to make new friends—and even invest enough time and energy to keep our existing friendships going. It’s easy to start to feel siloed and alone. And especially for stay-at-home moms, the isolation can be grueling. We all need stable, positive, and caring friends in our life. We were created for connection and our hearts crave it. Becoming a Beachbody coach on my team means instant access to a tribe of women who are ready to dive in with you. Women who have your back and are there to support, challenge, and encourage you whenever you need it. These are lifelong relationships full of friendship, love, and empowerment. You simply can’t put a price on this!
  3. Empowering others
    Pouring into others not only fills them up, but you as well! There’s something so rewarding about coming alongside another person and bringing goodness into their life. Becoming a Beachbody coach is all about this!!! We’re not just selling fitness or nutrition—we’re literally changing lives! And all it takes is the willingness to share your story and be there to encourage and equip others. It’s truly that simple. And the reward that comes with watching someone else blossom as a result of your help is unbelievably rich.
  4. Personal growth
    You know I’m a personal growth junkie, right?! From the books I’m reading to the podcasts I’m consuming to the conferences I attend, I am always out to grow and learn. And the growth that came into my life once I joined Beachbody is beyond incredible. It’s not just that Beachbody equips its coaches with all of the resources and tools needed to thrive. More than anything, it’s being linked arm-in-arm with people who are doing amazing things. The inspiring Beachbody leaders and fellow coaches I’ve had the privilege of working alongside have enthusiasm and passion that are simply contagious, spurring on my own growth in big ways. So, if you’re finding yourself feeling stuck, or you know deep down that there’s more to this life, joining my team as a coach could be just what you need to jumpstart your personal growth.

I could literally talk all day about how being a fitness coach has impacted my life, because there’s that much to say! I never imagined when I said “yes!” to coaching eleven years ago that my life would be this transformed for the better. It’s pretty astounding actually. In fact, I can’t think of one aspect of myself or my life that hasn’t been impacted by this one little leap of faith!

If you’re at all curious about how your life could change through becoming a Beachbody coach, I’d love to share more with you. Check out these Coaching FAQs or send me an email to get the conversation started.

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Julie Voris

I help women create impact + income using the power of habits to level up their lives and have the freedom to say yes to their family.