What Florida Taught Me…

julie voris

It’s funny sometimes how we think we’re in charge⁣. How we know more than the Higher Power who created allllllllll of this.⁣ It’s funny how we forget ????

We were so disappointed when we canceled our cruise last year and ‘settled’ for a house, a beach, and a long drive. Yet, in the past 2 weeks I’ve…⁣

•Gotten more clarity around my passion and purpose.⁣
⁣•Gotten more clarity around the inner work I need to do to align with my passion and purpose.⁣
⁣•Gotten more clarity around the kind of business I want to build, **who I want to build it with**, and the life I want to create with that business and those humans.⁣
⁣•Solidified my bone~deep belief that I must live by water and sun and in Florida. (These 2 weeks felt like my parents passing the baton to me – tag, I’m it.⁣ It’s my turn.)
⁣•Had more breakthroughs in my HEARTwork than I’ve had in a long time.⁣
⁣•The opportunity to REALLY bond with my family – it was s good to have all the JV’s under one roof for the first time in almost a year.

This just wouldn’t have been the same on a cruise ship. As much as we would have loved THAT, we needed THIS.⁣ The Universe, Higher Power, Creator, God, Source Energy – whatever name you give the energy and guidance that surrounds us – always knows exactly what we need, when we need it. I realized that while we were in Florida for the past two weeks.

We just have to say yes.

I know not everyone can take 2 weeks with their family – it’s a privilege and I am so grateful for it And I’ve been saying all week on my stories….Because of this business, I am able to create a life on purpose with purpose.

Before I partnered with Team Beachbody 13 years ago, I was a high school teacher making about a high school teacher’s salary. We all know that’s not much and it’s certainly not enough. I didn’t have financial freedom. I didn’t have time freedom. While I loved teaching, this opportunity fell into my lap for a reason and I trusted that it was my right path. I am so glad I listened to that intuition so many years ago, because one word – yes – has changed my life forever. You know what makes all this even better?

This life is not just set aside for a select few….

There is SO MUCH ROOM for more high-vibe women like you. Don’t fall victim to the belief that the market is saturated, or you’re too old, or not good enough, or not in shape enough or that it’s too late to start. Success is available to ALL who make a decision to GO FOR IT and follow their hearts.

Success is available to anyone with BIG dreams and BIG work, who want to create a BIG life.

If you’ve been considering working with me as your mentor – in health and fitness or as an influencer on my team – NOW IS THE TIME TO STEP IN.

You will get access to:

  • My Virtual Fitness Studio so you can work on your own health goals
  • Our team community and Sparta School Coach Portal where you access trainings to start building your empire
  • The 12 Week Mindset of Excellence Course my team and I are taking right now with Brad Bizjack (we are in week 3 and it’s been LIFE CHANGING so far).

We think BIG on our team – and I’m driven to dream even BIGGER. I’m on a mission to surround myself with other women who want to dream BIGGER too.

Jen and Joy are two ROCKSTARS on our team who are digging deep into the mindset work we are doing, and they are proof positive that what we do is not about business….it’s about LIFE.

Tag YOU are it – time to go BIG.

Life is short. Your potential is great. Together, we are better. If this is speaking to you and you are ready to surround yourself with high vibe women, then fill out the goal form and I will be in touch within 24 hours to let you know if you’re a good fit for our team!!

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Julie Voris

I help women create impact + income using the power of habits to level up their lives and have the freedom to say yes to their family.