morning routine in a rut

Know the Difference Between Routine and Rut

We’re in uncertain times.

There’s no debating that fact. And uncertainty brings with it a whole host of emotions, issues, and stress. 

But the good news is this: It’s a season. 

Life is full of seasons—and this is just one more. And we have the power to fight against new seasons, or get curious about how we might grow,  adapt and make some changes.

In my experience, establishing a routine that I can lean on during each season makes all the difference. 

And it all starts with the morning routine—setting the tone for your day ahead! 

You know me…I’m obsessed with morning routines. I talk, teach, and write about morning routines regularly because they are powerful. 

Having a solid morning routine that serves you well is like magic. It’s a way to claim your day by getting up early and claiming your morning. And it’s not just about one day. 

Intentionally starting off one day trickles into purposeful, productive weeks, months, years until, before you even know it, you’ve created an amazing life—on purpose. 

We all know that we only get one shot at this life. This isn’t a dress rehearsal, friend. So why not embrace that truth and live like it’s true? 

Don’t just hope to have an amazing life. You have the opportunity, right here, right now, to create one. 

Imagine if your mornings …

…made you feel centered and grounded

…allowed you to feel more in control

…created massive momentum

…increased your productivity for the whole day

…built intentionality and purpose into your week (month, year, decade…)

…brought you closer to your dreams and goals 

The right morning routine can do all of that and so much more. Morning routines are marvelous because you can make them your own. 

Yours probably won’t look like mine, or the next person’s. Build it to serve YOU. 

Maybe you’re wanting more peace in your days? Great! Build in morning routine components that fill you with peace.

Looking for joy? Start your morning with joyful activities that light you up. Create a day you’ll love by creating a morning you love. 

This has never been more important than right now. With the chaos and uncertainty swirling about, it’s critical that we tend to ourselves and feel centered, calm, and in control. Habits and routines can establish a rhythm to our days that’s desperately needed.

And while routines are meant to be anchors that allow us to show up for ourselves consistently, they need to be flexible, too. 

The routine that serves you in one season may not serve you in the next. 

The key is to stay aware and be willing to change it up as needed.  

Know the difference between routine and rut. 

I found myself in this exact situation last month. All of a sudden I felt myself fighting against my morning routine…struggling to make it happen and find the usual joy in it.

Instead of beating myself up (which used to be my go-to), I realized something needed to change. After all, I was in a season unlike any other. So why should I expect my usual habits and routines to still work for me? 

Think about times in your own life where you faced change or new challenges. Maybe you became a mom, lost a loved one, or changed careers. Whatever it was, you likely had to make some serious shifts in your life to make things work. 

Whether we like it or not, most of us have found ourselves in a new season right now. We have different needs, challenges, priorities, and rhythms. 

In my recent IGTV, I’m sharing how I realized my morning routine was no longer serving me in this weird time we’re in. Instead of fighting against it, I thoughtfully created one that works so well for me now.  

Maybe it’s time to reexamine your morning routine, too. 

Don’t have an established morning routine yet? No worries. Now’s the perfect time to create one. 

Let’s not wait to make shifts and changes. Life’s short and I want you to have the most amazing one possible. 

Additional Resources on Morning Routines

julie voris instagram live

P.S. I’m hosting a special event on Saturday morning around 11a ET on Instagram Live. It’s a coffee talk Q+A all about what I do as a fitness influencer and Beachbody Coach. If you’re curious about how it works and if it could be a good fit for you, come hang out with me live on Instagram this Saturday! If you want to submit a specific question, email or DM me on Insta!

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Julie Voris

Create Your Life On Purpose, With Purpose

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