Personal Growth Tips With Kim Fitzpatrick

November 30, 2023


Hey there. Welcome back to the crank it up podcast. We are continuing our series on personal growth today, and we have a good one for you.

My dear friend, Kim Fitzpatrick, has shared some of her thoughts and ideas around personal growth, how she implements it, and how it’s affected her life. She’s got a lot to share with you today, including some thoughts on Taylor Swift, so grab your notebooks. 

Let’s get started.

Embracing Practices Such As Nature Walks, Intentional Movement, Meditation and Journaling for Personal Growth

Kim [00:00:51]:

What is my personal growth habit? Well, here’s the thing. I have so many different modalities and ways in which I grow personally. And, you know, for me, it was about this 17 years ago when I really started getting into the world of personal development, you know, and really taking it seriously.

My uncle is a life coach and someone who actually brought in the works of Wayne Dyer, Brendon Burchard, the you know, Tony Robbins, all the great everyone you can think about, he brought that into my life. You know, we were doing meditations on cassette tapes and DVDs before it was even a thing. 

So, you know, my personal growth habit is truly leaning back into me. Right? I do that through the ways of getting out in nature and walking. I do that through moving my body, whether it be in my home workout or in something else that’s intentional that serves the season I’m in. I do that in meditation and journaling.

I’m a huge advocate for journaling rooted in vision and goals and dreams and gratitude and this. Celebrating. So my personal growth habits are ingrained, and they’re also learned. Right? 

I always say you’re in training for this life, and part of the training is practicing. And when you practice those habits that help you grow personally, then you will be unstoppable. I really began tapping into personal growth when I was about 17 years of age, you know, for me, personal growth came in the form of reading. 

It came in the form of journaling. It came in the form of having to navigate some messy healing, trauma the from my childhood and really just learning to navigate, you know, being someone that has walked through grief and, you know, the loss and layered complex intergenerational trauma, I had to figure my heart out, and I had to figure out who I was, and I had to figure out how I wanted to grow.


And the only way that I learned how to do that, I was about I’ll never forget this. I was about 21 years of age, and I was listening to Wayne Dyer. I was driving, and I was going through these windy roads in the country. And I remember calling my sister. 

I apologize to her after listening to Wayne Dyer who said one of the ways to set your full self free in your personal growth is to take radical responsibility for your own actions. So when I was 21 years of age, I realized that. It’s not everybody else’s fault. Things are wrong. You know? It it there’s a lot of things that contribute to that, but the way that you own your own personal growth is the way you own your personal growth.

So that is when I really started learning, growth. So that is when I really started learning that I needed to become a steward of myself in order to really grow, the And that started gosh. I’m gonna age myself here, Julie, 3 decades ago.

Julie [00:03:59]:

Okay. Let’s talk about what Kim has shared so far. The first piece that I want to highlight is that she says she does her personal growth in lots of modalities. And I love this so much because I truly believe that inspiration and motivation and that filling of your bucket, filling of your soul can come from so many places. 

And I believe we get caught up in thinking, no my gosh. It has to come from this heavy, hard book that I got from a bookstore, and it doesn’t. So when she said I get it from so many modalities, I high fived the air because yes. Yes.

Yes. The idea of growth and inspiration and motivation can and should come from lots of places, and the piece that is key to making it personal growth is that we get intentional about thinking about it. 

The Power of Intentional Growth:
“The idea of growth and inspiration and motivation can and should come from lots of places, and the piece that is key to making it personal growth is that we get intentional about thinking about it.” ~Julie

We get intentional about seeking it out. So maybe you see someone… I’ll use this example. I get really inspired when I watch people do the thing that they’re meant to do live. So whether that’s Broadway theater for me or a concert or anything where someone is doing something live, it’s so clear that it’s what they’re meant to be doing with their life. 

That is really inspiring to me. That is personal growth for me because I connect that to myself and my own story, and I allow it to fill my bucket on a deeper level rather than just let me just go to this musical and enjoy surface level.

I really don’t do anything surface level. Most everything for me is very deep. And when she said I get my personal growth from a lot of modalities. I just thought, yes. It doesn’t have to just be from a book. 

And then we haven’t even listened to the rest of these thoughts. However, I kinda believe if you only take one thought away from this particular conversation, if it’s the idea that you have to take radical responsibility for your personal growth, that’s your takeaway right there.

Kim [00:06:06]:

I am a different person. If I look at the woman I was 10 years ago, 20 years ago, personal growth and developing habits that are rooted in mindset, vision, dreams, healing, post traumatic growth has completely changed me. 

I would say that developing a personal growth habit has helped me to evolve into the human I wanna be, into the steward I wanna be, the into the business owner and the mom and the wife and all the hats we wear by implementing personal growth and by ensuring that it’s the priority in my own, both professional and and personal development. 

On my list of priorities each day, it has changed and transformed me in a million different ways, but the most impactful and profound way is that it’s helped me have peace. It’s helped me find peace. 

And what I mean by that is, you know, we live in a chaotic world, at least I did, and chaos became my normal. And I struggled when peace started to infiltrate through my practices of personal growth. 

But what I’ve learned the most through learning to sit with peace and learning to love peace is that chaos is no longer the way of life for me, and that’s what personal growth has taught me.

Who you surround yourself with is your biggest gift or your biggest enemy. Getting in the room with people that align with you, that support you, that fan, the fire of your dreams, of your vision, of your wildest beliefs, of your stories will make all the difference. 

To have people in your corner, to have women in the room that inspire you, that are making more money than you, that have done something different than you, that, the You know, you covet. Right? 

I love what Gabby Bernstein says. She says, you know, go where you’re envious. And when you can go where you’re envious, that also is telling the universe. If you’re envious about something, if you are wanting something, that’s also saying that it’s available for you too. 

So when you go and you get into these rooms with people that inspire you, excite you, scare you, intimidate you.


If you look at this through a lens of what can I learn here, how can I give here, and how can I serve here? How can I open myself up to learn more? You will change as a person, you will change at every level in every way, and it will change your life because you will change your DNA. 

I always call it soul DNA. Right? It’s soul DNA. And there are people that are aligned for you the on a soul level, and when you’re in the room with those people that wanna see you win, that are ready to cheer for you, that are walking you through this life and saying, hell yes. You can do that. Now let’s figure out the how. 

Your life will change. Your elevation will change. Your abundance will change, and you will start to be contributing at a different level because you believe it too.

The Significance of Surrounding Oneself With Supportive and Inspiring Individuals

Julie [00:09:31]:

Let’s talk about that. That is such a beautiful explanation of the value of community. And I think the The more I listen to these conversations, the more I listen to people talk about how personal growth has changed their life, I think it’s the essence of personal growth that helps you understand the value of the people that you surround yourself with. Right? 

Like, I don’t know that you understand, appreciate, and or seek any of that out. I don’t know that you’re actually aware of your community, aware of the people in your ecosystem and the effect that they have on you without personal growth. 

So personal growth not only causes you to want to look for different communities, it’s the catalyst for you to even become aware that you need different communities. And then once you get into those communities…

As Kim said, you know, the ones that make you nervous, the ones that scare you a little bit, go to those the rather than sitting back on your heels and hoping they’ll come to you, go to those places where you are scared and nervous because that’s where the growth happens, and that’s personal growth.

Right? So it’s this practice of personal growth that helps you understand you need a higher level community that helps you start to seek out that higher level community.

And then you get in that community, and it’s the continual personal growth that helps you get what you need and give back to that community. So, again, everything comes back to this idea of personal growth.

Kim [00:11:18]:

I will never forget when I first met you, Julie. We were at an event. It was my first leadership event experience, I was a guest of Jamie’s who had earned that leadership retreat in Coronado. And I remember sitting in the far back row in awe. 

I was a baby partner. I was a baby business owner, and I saw you walk in with your shoulders back, this tall, striking, confident blonde. I was like, who is that? 

Jamie’s like, that’s Julie Voris. And, you know, that was a pivotal moment for me because I was not that I was a no one, I was me, but I was young and what is it? Bambi eyes or bright eyed and bushy tailed and just like, woah, and taking it all in.

And, the you know, what I what I’ve learned the most by being in those powerful rooms, by being in conferences where people that are on those stages that are talking and, you know, that I’ve earned 1,000,000 of dollars, changed 1,000,000 of lives, you know, all I can think about is If they can do this, I can do this too.

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Kim [00:13:52]:

And if I can borrow an ounce of their belief, an ounce of that confidence or Julie’s posture, then maybe I can just keep faithing my way through this. And if I can keep faithing my way through this, like, they have. 

Because every successful person that you deem successful, that you think is so much better than you, my friend, there are people that are watching you and thinking the exact same thing about you. 

So let’s stand up top, and let’s reframe those thoughts, and let’s get in that room and get back to those rooms where you had your breath taken away by the confidence and the belief that someone And the presence that they had because that means it’s meant for you too. 

The number 1 tip I have for someone that is on a mission to level up her life is to be her now. And what I mean by that is the future you, that version of you that is required. Right? The one that does get up before her alarm, the one that does prioritize movement. 

The one that does prioritize hydration, the one who does prioritize sleep and connection and, you know, a schedule and boundaries and time management and a time blocker for her calendar.

All those things you envision, when I get there, I can do this. Well, be that now. Do that now. Start edging your way with these micro moves to start making macro moves towards the life you want. 

Because if you don’t start right now, no one else will do this for you. This is the work you get to do. So my number one tip is be her now. Start to do those things now, right now, today.

Adopting the Persona of the Future Self

The number 1 tip I have for someone that is on a mission to level up her life is to be her now. And what I mean by that is the future you, that version of you that is required. Right? The one that does get up before her alarm, the one that does prioritize movement. 

The one that does prioritize hydration, the one who does prioritize sleep and connection and, you know, a schedule and boundaries and time management and a time blocker for her calendar.

All those things you envision, when I get there, I can do this. Well, be that now. Do that now. Start edging your way with these micro moves to start making macro moves towards the life you want. 

Because if you don’t start right now, no one else will do this for you. This is the work you get to do. So my number one tip is be her now. Start to do those things now, right now, today.

Julie [00:15:42]:

What I am hoping you are discovering through these personal growth conversations is how many commonalities there are. Listening to Kim talk about the micro goal goals towards the macro goals is no different than me talking about your focused five moving towards your work hard and your dream big goals. 

Different verbiage, the exact same concept, taking these small actions and small habits that you’re doing today, today, whether you feel like doing them or not, whether you believe in yourself wholeheartedly yet or not. 

But these small, these micro, these focused the actions and habits that you’re doing today that move the needle towards your goals and dreams tomorrow, the micro to the macro, the the focused five today to the dream big tomorrow. 

This is a commonality through all these conversations. Don’t wait until you think you’re ready. That will never come. You can’t even qualify that.

You can’t even quantify that. If I asked you right this very second, what does ready look like in anything, whether it’s a business, whether it’s in fitness, whether it’s a relationship, it doesn’t matter. 

If I said to you, what does ready look like? You would not be able to describe and explain and define that because you don’t know because it doesn’t exist. Because it doesn’t exist. 

It would be like every human being on the planet waiting until they were ready to have children, it would never happen. Yet we say yes to actually bringing another human being into the world without having any freaking idea what we’re doing, but we won’t say yes to other stuff. Interesting, isn’t it? 

Start thinking about that the next time you have a decision to make. And continue to go back and listen to these conversations about personal growth.

Listen for those commonalities because as Kim says, if someone else could do it, you can too.

Kim [00:17:41]:

Okay. My favorite Taylor Swift era is this. Are you ready for it? Because that is what I believe. My life right now is, like, are you even ready for what is about to unfold for you? I am in my discipline era. I am in my abundance era. The things that I’m asking for are coming to me now, and they’re unfolding all around me, and everything is great era. 

That is where I’m at. That is where I’m at.

Julie [00:18:12]:

Well, that sounds like a pretty darn good era for all of us to be in, to be in our abundance era, to be in our manifestation era, and to be in our good things that are happening now era. And are you ready for it? 

Because get ready. Be ready. You are ready for the greatness that can come to you when you do personal growth and you make it a habit.

I hope you enjoyed this conversation with my friend, Kim. She’s pretty awesome. Give her a follow on social media. And if you have a moment, please share this episode with a friend.

Meet Kim Fitzpatrick

Myself and my family were both very much supported by a community when I was first born and into my first few years of life. I think that’s partly why I am so drawn to creating a community of support, of love, and of sisterhood.

When things are hard, that’s when you need to be raised up by people and others around you.

As I stand here today, I’m proud of the person I’ve become as a mom, wife, sister, mentor, leader, and friend, but that didn’t come without struggle along the way.

For a very long time, I was looking for love and acceptance in the wrong places. But the love had to start within myself – I finally stopped looking outward and focused on the inside first.

It is for us, and us alone, to figure out what makes us truly happy and sparks pure joy deep at our core. Our kids, our families, our friends – they all bring happiness to our lives and make it better with their presence, but we cannot depend on them to make us happy.

Thank you so much for listening to the Crank It Up podcast. If you know a friend who would benefit from this I mean, who wouldn’t? If you know a friend who would benefit from this episode, this conversation around personal growth, will you share this episode with them? I would appreciate it. 

Let’s get the world, especially women, talking about personal growth. Let’s get the world, especially women, on an intentional personal growth journey.

Let’s get the world, especially women, talking about cranking up your goals, cranking up your dreams, and cranking up your life. 

Thank you so much. See you next time. That’s it for this episode.

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Thank you so much for listening to the Crank It Up podcast. If you know a friend who would benefit from this I mean, who wouldn’t? If you know a friend who would benefit from this episode, this conversation around personal growth, will you share this episode with them? I would appreciate it.

Let’s get the world, especially women, talking about personal growth. Let’s get the world, especially women, on an intentional personal growth journey. Let’s get the world, especially women, talking about cranking up your goals, cranking up your dreams, and cranking up your life.

Want more motivation & inspo sent directly to your inbox? Subscribe to my Peptalks!

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