The Empty Nester’s Guide

empty nester life

The house feels eerily quiet and different. The normal ebb and flow of days has completely changed. And there’s so much change beyond even that!

Schedules have changed, relationships with our adult children are changing, bodies change, goals and desires change…and on and on and on! Sound familiar?

Welcome to empty nesting!

It’s easy to let the changes that come with this next chapter of your life overwhelm or sadden you. But truly this is a time to CELEBRATE! You’ve launched good humans into the world—yay, you! Pouring nearly two decades of your life into your child and watching them fly is truly something to marvel at.

It’s easy to lose sight of ourselves when we’ve poured everything we have into our kids. But this is a time to reclaim YOU! Now that your kids are out of the house, you have a huge opportunity to embrace the newness of this phase of life. And remember, new doesn’t have to mean bad. It means new rhythms and routines, new hobbies or jobs, new time for nurturing or building relationships, and tons of new opportunities just waiting for you to take hold.

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As you and I link arms and walk into empty nesting together, let’s build some life-giving habits, routines, and intentions into our days. Here are five to get you started!

  1. Think about yourself for once.
    You’re probably used to putting everyone’s needs ahead of yours. Now’s a great time to practice focusing on your own needs and desires. Ask yourself questions like:
    • What are some dreams I might have shelved?
    • What hobbies might be fun to explore?
    • What relationships need tending?
    • What does my body need/like?
    • Who might make a great new friend?
    • What physical activities do I enjoy?
    • What areas of my health need attention?
  2. Try something new.
    Empty nesting is the perfect time to incorporate something brand new into your days. Maybe you’ve always wanted to take an art class or go on an overseas vacation. Perhaps you might take a class or start practicing yoga. Do it, girl!
  3. Invite friends into your journey.
    Don’t isolate yourself as an empty nester. As you navigate this phase, bring others along with you! Friendships not only provide great conversation, fun, and connection, but they’re great for accountability and emotional health, too. Don’t already have these people in your life? No worries, you’ve got time now to find and connect with brand new people!
  4. Be good to your body.
    Emotions can run high when you’re new to empty nesting. And it’s easy to slip into poor eating habits and lack of physical movement. Pay close attention to what you’re putting into your body and how you’re incorporating fitness into your life. Are these habits serving you well or holding you back? If you’re looking for some easy inspiration, Beachbody has tons of great nutrition products, recipes, and portion control tools, as well as hundreds of fun, high-energy workouts to choose from. Message me for details—I can answer your questions and get you everything you need!
  5. Start small if you need to.
    One word of caution: it can be tempting to go all-in on revamping your life as an empty nester and then get overwhelmed. My advice? Start small. Build some new habits, rhythms, and routines into your life little by little. Then keep on building! Before you know it, you’ll be amazed at how transformational even baby steps can be.

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As you dive into this new empty-nester phase of life, remember this: you’re not alone! And you have a huge opportunity to lean in and embrace the change. Personally, rather than let this new season throw me off, I’m going all in. I’m ramping up professional development, seeking out new opportunities, and learning to love this next chapter of my life. What about you?

julie circle blue

Julie Voris

I help women create impact + income using the power of habits to level up their lives and have the freedom to say yes to their family.