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5-Day Free Challenge to Create your Magical Morning Routine!

Develop a simple & customized morning routine

to create the energy, confidence & purpose you crave in this season of life

in an hour or less per day. ✨

This free challenge is unavailable.

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✨Morning Magic Hour ✨

Most women struggle to create consistency with a morning routine, because they lack clarity on WHY and WHAT they want to get up and excited for in the first place – especially in midlife when the kids are grown.

And they over complicate it! With my 3-step structure, we simplify the process to create success!!

  1. Get Up
  2. Get Grounded
  3. Get Going

The Morning Magic Hour will help you create the energy, confidence and purpose you crave in this season of life!


create your morning magic routine!

Begin to create a customized morning routine that will help you have more energy + stay consistent + shed some of that baggage you may be carrying so that you can step into the next chapter of your life with more confidence and peace.

You get tools + support to make it easy to implement.


    Private Instagram for tips + motivation + Julie's live inspo!

    Exclusive tracker to help you build consistency

    Free 20-30 minute workouts

    hi! i’m julie!

    I’m a seasoned Mindset + Habits coach who has been helping women for 20 years crank up their ambition for life by stepping into simple habits + systems to help them live their life on purpose with purpose – in every season!

    As a Master Trainer for some of the most renowned celebrity trainers in the at-home fitness world, I have the professional expertise to help women level-up their health and fitness journey courageously and confidently.

    Mom of 3 grown daughters, and wife to a retired head collegiate football coach, I am passionate about helping to shorten the learning curve for women as they remember to dream big and take action on the goals and dreams they have for their life.

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    Website designed and maintained with ♥️ and ☕️ by JoLi Design Solutions

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    Please complete the form below to initiate the booking process. Upon review, Julie will be in touch to discuss more details about your event, her presentation and the potential of working together.
    Julie Voris

    Julie Voris

    Create Your Life On Purpose, With Purpose

    I will be back soon

    Julie Voris
    Hey there 👋
    It’s your friend JV. How can I help you?