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Morning Magic 30-Day Challenge

Are you seeking a transformative shift towards joy, energy and purpose?

Are you looking for confidence + a deeper sense of intention in a new season of life?

julie voris magic morning

join my 30-day challenge

Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of joy and stepping into habits customized to you and where you are in your life – all while keeping it simple.

Because what we do today creates our tomorrow.


Here’s What People Are Saying About This Challenge

“My routine propels decisions throughout the rest of my day. When I’m all plugged into my routine — everything just sings!”

“I have felt a sense of clam, clarity and my energy has increased tremendsously. I can’t imagine ever going back!!”

“I learned that it’s okay to invest in myself again and not to feel guilty about it!”

“I love the accountability that comes in having a space to return and report. To read a quick mindset tip. And to see others doing the same things I am doing :: showing up for ourselves and doing the things.”

“I learned that I not only feel better, but I am also happier and more productive. Next month, I am going to put the same focus into my evening routine!”

“I am more productive and feel so much better!”

“My morning routine has made me reflect more about the goals and the dreams that I have. It has made me even more focused, but is has also made me realize that just because it might take some time to make my dreams a reality, does not mean it is not going to happen”

rise & energize membership

Customized packages are available. Email [email protected] with any questions you have.

Your Membership Includes:

✔︎ Daily Personal Growth via the #1 High Performance coach in the world.

✔︎ All-natural Supplement for a natural energy + endurance boost

✔︎ All-natural Bioactive Collagen Peptides for healthy skin, hair, nails & more.


✔︎ 30-days of support + guidance from me and my team!

✔︎ Customized tools + systems to curate a morning routine to meet your goals.

✔︎ Free App to track your progress + stay accountable

✔︎ Be in community with high-vibe women that “get you!”


Customize Your Package With Add Ons!

You can customize your package by adding on these additional products & resources.

JV’s Favorite Morning Routine Enhancements — choose 1 or choose them all!

✔︎ Superfood + Protein supplement for gut health + overall nutrition enhancement

✔︎ 1-month subscription to BODi fitness, mindset & nutrition platform

✔︎ Morning Nootropic Brain Health Shot to sharpen your focus, increase energy, defend against stress, and support your immune defense

You are your most important project and you DESERVE to feel your best – strong, confident and energized for this season of life and beyond!

I want to help you wake up excited for each new day with a customized morning routine that will help you have more energy + stay consistent + feel your best as you step into the next chapter of your life with more confidence + peace + joy!

Julie Voris standing against a colorful wall with blue jean shorts on

hi! i’m julie!

I’m a seasoned Mindset + Habits coach who has been helping women for 20 years crank up their ambition for life by stepping into simple habits + systems to help them live their life on purpose with purpose – in every season!

As a Master Trainer for some of the most renowned celebrity trainers in the at-home fitness world, I have the professional expertise to help women level-up their health and fitness journey courageously and confidently.

Mom of 3 grown daughters, and wife to a retired head collegiate football coach, I am passionate about helping to shorten the learning curve for women as they remember to dream big and take action on the goals and dreams they have for their life.

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The magic happens when you get intentional with your habits + begin each day on purpose with purpose.

When we replace “motivation” with habits – growth happens.

When you step into personal growth – change happens.

I believe this is how women will change the world.

The Morning Magic group is a virtual space full of high vibe women coming together to intentionally create confidence, clarity + energy through magical morning routines!

Copyright ©2024 Julie Voris | Privacy Policy

Website designed and maintained with ♥️ and ☕️ by JoLi Design Solutions

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Julie Voris

Julie Voris

Create Your Life On Purpose, With Purpose

I will be back soon

Julie Voris
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It’s your friend JV. How can I help you?