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find your fierce membership community

Be the first to know when membership opens for enrollment again in 2024!

Julie Voris welcoming you to the community

If you’re looking to live your life with purpose ON purpose, you’ve come to the right place.

In the Find Your Fierce Membership Community, you will create the habits, mindset, and flow you need to make the most of each day.

Surround yourself with others who help you become the best version of yourself! People who inspire you – encourage you – stretch you – and bring out the best in you.

What Women Are Saying

“Thank you so much Julie for the work you put into your followers and changing lives. I have truly never felt more support + encouragement and the honest push to better myself and life!! I am so excited to see how we all continue to grow and flourish with your wisdom.”

~ Christina

“Beyond grateful for you Julie and this amazing community you created for us! My gosh this has changed my life in so many ways I can’t thank u enough for this opportunity.”

~ Renee

“I just want to say how much I appreciate all of you and this community. Writing down my goals and focus 5 has brought so much accountability into my life it’s mind blowing!! As I take each small step towards my goals it builds so much momentum to move me forward. Thank you.”

~ Kelley

hi! i’m julie!

I’m a seasoned Mindset + Habits coach who has been helping women for 20 years crank up their ambition for life by stepping into simple habits + systems to help them live their life on purpose with purpose – in every season!

As a Master Trainer for some of the most renowned celebrity trainers in the at-home fitness world, I have the professional expertise to help women level-up their health and fitness journey courageously and confidently.

Mom of 3 grown daughters, and wife to a retired head collegiate football coach, I am passionate about helping to shorten the learning curve for women as they remember to dream big and take action on the goals and dreams they have for their life.

meet julie - standing against a railing smiling

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Find Your Fierce Membership Community!

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Speaker Inquiry
Please complete the form below to initiate the booking process. Upon review, Julie will be in touch to discuss more details about your event, her presentation and the potential of working together.
Julie Voris

Julie Voris

Create Your Life On Purpose, With Purpose

I will be back soon

Julie Voris
Hey there 👋
It’s your friend JV. How can I help you?