Julie Voris, Mindset and Habits Coach

Your Motivational Keynote Speaker

Julie is the female motivational speaker for creating the incredible breakthroughs you crave for your attendees.

Or, connect by emailing her at [email protected]  

Julie Voris motivational speaker

Elevate and Energize Your Mindset and Habits

Julie is the go-to motivational speaker who ignites change, and unlocks the limitless potential in every attendee.

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A passionate expert in harnessing the power of habits.

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Ready to help your audience stop playing small, dream big and take action!

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A long-time leader in network marketing building an 8-figure business from the ground up while balancing family life.

What Julie Voris Brings to Your Event As A Keynote Speaker

Game changing strategies to:

Crank up your DREAMS.
Crank up your HABITS.
Crank up your LIFE.

Give your audience the keys to living a life on purpose, with purpose.

elevate and energize your mindset & habits with julie voris

She’s one of the greatest speakers I’ve ever heard in my life.

As someone who has personally spoken to large audiences for years, it’s very obvious to me when someone has the ability to captivate a room while staying true to their message. Julie has that gift and she intuitively knows how to use it to create a transformation within her audience.

Julie isn’t one of those speakers that simply checks the boxes of talking points. She’s a speaker who will do whatever it takes to create powerful breakthroughs for those she’s serving.

This is extremely rare in the speaking world. I’ve consumed thousands of hours speaking content both virtually and in person from the world’s greatest experts and I can say hands down, Julie is one of the greats.

She will move your audience to new heights they didn’t know existed within themselves. She’s one of the most dynamic speakers in the world. And she’ll show up in a way that delivers the exact promise of your organization with the flexibility needed to touch any demographic.

Hiring Julie for your keynote is an absolute must.

Brad Bizjack

Personal Development Expert and High-Performance Coach

Julie’s Keynote Topics

Connect with Julie to customize the topic for your audience.
[email protected] 

What’s your Disney?

It’s time to dream big and take action!

In this powerful story of real-life dreams, struggle and triumph, Julie helps the audience connect deeply to their big dreams and vision for their life and tap into the mindset shifts needed to make those dreams become a reality.

She will illustrate how the implementation of simple habits and daily choices can unleash the magic within to crank up your goals, dreams and vision for your life today – and take action!

Without this nothing is possible.

Building the deep belief to say YES to your goals + dreams.

Have you ever had that moment where someone tapped you on the shoulder and said, “I believe in you?” The power of belief is EVERYthing when it comes to going after big dreams, big goals and living out your life’s purpose – but sometimes it’s hard to uncover this ourselves.

In Julie’s compelling keynote, she is tapping your audience on the shoulder and helping them begin building this belief that will propel them to their next level of success. Julie will crank up their belief and confidence to step boldly out of their comfort zones and step into the best possible version of themselves.

4 Reasons Why Julie Voris is the Ideal Keynote Speaker for You.

Experienced & Award-Winning

Julie is a shining star in the worlds of business, health, motivational mindset strategies, and personal development.

Her accolades and success — plus those of whom she mentors —  is a testament to an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Blueprint for Impact & Income

Julie knows precisely what it takes to build an 8-figure empire from the ground up AND how to say yes to your family, community, and yourself while doing it.

She’s leveraged her journey into reliable systems to help anyone seize control of their life and stop delaying their dreams without sacrificing what’s most important.

Not only will your audience be inspired to take action, they’ll have the exact steps they need to take to do so.

Infectious High-Vibe Energy

Dynamic, honest, generous, determined, charismatic… Julie’s energetic presentations are more than motivating. They’re personalized and empowering.

Whenever Julie speaks, the room comes alive with possibilities that will awaken the brave, unstoppable force within your audience. They will go home feeling invincible.

Unforgettable & Inspirational Stories

Magic happens when Julie takes the stage (and not just because she’s a Disney fan).

She is able to connect with audiences through her real-life experiences as a military daughter, coaches wife, and mom to three active and aspirational young daughters, and bad ass entrepreneur.

Her delivery style is relatable and connects deeply. Audiences will be energized and ready to take action.

4 Reasons Why Julie Voris is the Ideal Keynote Speaker for You.

Experienced & Award-Winning

Julie is a shining star in the worlds of business, health, motivational mindset strategies, and personal development.

Her accolades and success — plus those of whom she mentors —  is a testament to an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Blueprint for Impact & Income

Julie knows precisely what it takes to build an 8-figure empire from the ground up AND how to say yes to your family, community, and yourself while doing it.

She’s leveraged her journey into reliable systems to help anyone seize control of their life and stop delaying their dreams without sacrificing what’s most important.

Not only will your audience be inspired to take action, they’ll have the exact steps they need to take to do so.

Infectious High-Vibe Energy

Dynamic, honest, generous, determined, charismatic… Julie’s energetic presentations are more than motivating. They’re personalized and empowering.

Whenever Julie speaks, the room comes alive with possibilities that will awaken the brave, unstoppable force within your audience. They will go home feeling invincible.

Unforgettable & Inspirational Stories

Magic happens when Julie takes the stage (and not just because she’s a Disney fan).

She is able to connect with audiences through her real-life experiences as a military daughter, coaches wife, and mom to three active and aspirational young daughters, and bad ass entrepreneur.

Her delivery style is relatable and connects deeply. Audiences will be energized and ready to take action.

“Julie is straight fire for your soul when she’s on that stage. You’ll walk away feeling empowered to grow, inspired to dream big and ready to take your life to the next level.”

Micah Folsom

Entrepreneur & Top 50 Podcast Host

“Julie Voris is an electric speaker who has a way of igniting the entire audience with energy! Her stage presence has a way of changing the entire vibe of an event. Hands down one of my favorite people to ever have as a speaker at one of my events!”

Josh Coats

Business Coach & Best Selling Author

Julie Voris sitting at table outside with water jug

More About Julie Voris

  • Founder of the Find Your Fierce community
  • Mentor to hundreds of high-vibe women
  • Creator and CEO of Project100.co
  • Winner of the Beachbody Initiative Award (2018) and the prestigious BODi CEO Award (2022)
  • 14 consecutive years as a top .001% leader in Team Beachbody (now BODi)
  • A curator of truth love , hope, and energy for more than 40,000 women through her social media and website
  • Former high school English teacher turned fitness professional
  • Mother to three amazing daughters
  • Wife to a former college football coach
  • An avid fan of Disney and independent bookstores

Why Choose Julie Voris As Your Next Keynote Speaker

Julie is a powerful motivational keynote speaker that will help your audience level up their life and find their fierce.

She’s proven in her field.
She’s proven as a speaker.
She walks the walk that she talks – and she’s just getting started.

Some Of Julie’s Featured Speaking Events

+ Team BODi Corporate Events
+ Trinity Hall Leading Ladies Luncheon
+ Momentum Weekend Workshop with Lou Mongello
+ Boston Scientific Women’s Leadership Virtual Event
+ Unstoppable 2023 with Female Disruptors

… and your event could be next!

Secure a spot in Julie Voris’s schedule for your event now and watch your audience learn, strengthen, thrive and be ready to take action.


Julie Voris on stage speaking at Trinity Hall in Trenton NJ

For all our friends who prefer visuals, here is a little preview of what to expect when you book Julie Voris as your next keynote speaker…

Look At All The Insights Julie Delivers On Stage

Illustrations by Kingman Ink

Illustration of Julie Voris' speaking engagement at Trinity Hall for Girls

Julie’s unforgettable stories inspire & motivate her audiences

Illustration of Julie Voris' speaking engagement at Triniy Hall for Girls

Audiences come away with invaluable takeaways

book julie voris to speak trans

Book Julie For Your Next Event

Game changing strategies to:

Crank up your DREAMS.
Crank up your HABITS.
Crank up your LIFE.

Give your audience the keys to living a life on purpose, with purpose.

You can connect with Julie by emailing her at [email protected]  

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Speaker Inquiry
Please complete the form below to initiate the booking process. Upon review, Julie will be in touch to discuss more details about your event, her presentation and the potential of working together.
Julie Voris

Julie Voris

Create Your Life On Purpose, With Purpose

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Julie Voris
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It’s your friend JV. How can I help you?